The original university library, established in 1636, was housed in the present day University Hall in the Naamse Straat in Leuven.
During the first world war in 1914, the German army set fire to the original library building. The University Library was rebuilt on the Ladeuzeplein between 1921 and 1928. It was designed in neo-renaissance style by the American architect Whitney Warren. New books were collected and donated and the library was duely resplenished. In 1940 during the second world war, the library burned again, and much of its content was destroyed. Again, it was restored and restocked with valuable books after the war.
The Ladeuzeplein, where the University Library is located, is the largest square in Leuven. There is a weekly farmer's market on fridays. On saturdays from 21 to 22 hours in the evening, there are carillon recitals (Ladeuze Bells) from the tower of the University Library. On the same saturdays the tower (with the carillon) can be visited before the concerts, but only with prior reservation by email ( Schedules can change from year to year, so please visit for current information, or at the KUL website (
Reading room at Central Library of Catholic University of Leuven |